Intel included 12 months of Intel paid COBRA in severance/CPM packages over the past year which creates some additional considerations when weighing other benefit plan enrollment opportunities during Annual Enrollment. The Intel paid COBRA does not change any of the government rules regarding what defines a qualified status change (QSC) which allows mid-year entrance to […]
Annual Interest Earned on Your SERMA
As a cost savings, Intel decided they would not generate and mail Interest statements for SERMA accounts previously. At the end of June 2024, the T-bill interest earned for 2023 has been updated and posted to SERMA accounts. Log in to your Retiree SERMA account to view your account activity. Additional Retiree resources are available on the U.S. Retiree […]
Start Your Research on Medicare
The webinar on Getting Started with Medicare is an excellent resource for those wanting to learn more about Medicare, presented by the Center for Medicare Services. Find more information about Medicare at the IRO Healthcare Resources page.
Online Medicare Resources – Go digital
Go digital and sign up for electronic resources to get key Medicare information fast. You can also get a PDF version of the latest Medicare & You handbook online (updates occur in the fall).
What You Need to Know About Opting Out of SERMA
Click image for informational brochure. Opt out of SERMA to be eligible for Federal subsidies that lower your healthcare premiums through your eligible exchange In order to be eligible for Federal subsidies that lower your healthcare premiums through your eligible exchange, you must choose the SERMA “Opt Out” option (subsidies are determined based on your total […]