What is an @intelretiree.com email address?
The @intelretiree.com email address functions as an email forwarder. Any email addressed to your @intelretiree.com email address will be forwarded to the personal email address that you used when you joined the Intel Retiree Organization (IRO)
How can I get an @intelretiree.com email address?
Join IRO. Fill out this short application form for membership. Within 2 weeks, IRO will notify you whether your official retirement status has been verified by Intel. Once verified, we will create an @intelretiree.com email address for you
Why do I need a @intelretiree.com email address?
The address, ending in @intelretiree.com, validates you as an official retiree and as a member of the Intel Retiree Organization. An @intelretiree.com email address is sometimes required for discounts e.g., free McAfee LiveSafe® software
What is my @intelretiree.com email address?
After you have joined IRO and are verified as an official intel retiree, you will be notified of your @intelretiree.com address by email sent to your personal email address by the Intel Retiree Organization. Your @intelretiree.com address is derived from the email address you used when you signed up for membership with the IRO, but it may be changed if it is a duplicate to an existing forwarder.
The email address as assigned to you is shown in footer of most IRO mailings. If you have any questions, contact the mailbox
When you give out your forwarder, we have seen mail is delivered more quickly and reliably if you use the email address exactly as assigned including THE EXACT CASE
What if I change my email address?
If you change your email address, you need to notify IRO of the change by sending an email to intelretiree@gmail.com. We will need both your old email address (to validate your identity) and your new email address. Once updated, anything sent to your @intelretiree.com email address will be forwarded to your new email address
Example: If Brian Beck (formerly at beckbrian@gmail.com) changed his personal email address to beckbrian123@gmail.com, he would send an email to intelretiree@gmail.com to notify IRO of the change. He would provide his old email address (beckbrian@gmail.com) and his new address (beckbrian123@gmail.com). After the update, mail sent to beckbrian@intelretiree.com forward to beckbrian123@gmail.com
Can I use my IRO issued @intelretiree.com email address to send out email?
Your IRO issued email address can only be used to receive emails. If you give out your @intelretiree email, be sure senders use it exactly as assigned, observing caps and lower case. Changes in case may delay or prevent delivery. IRO does not provide a full mail service for its members. We only provide a mail forwarding service
Can I create an IRO business card using this email address?
Some retirees get IRO business cards, reflecting their @intelretiree.com address, to serve as a useful identification tool when volunteering under the Intel Involved Matching Grant Program
Can other people send me email using my IRO issued @intelretiree.com email address?
If someone uses your @intelretiree.com email address the email is sent to the Internet server that hosts the IRO website. This server will forward the mail to the personal email address that you used when you registered with the IRO. Assuming this email address is still current, the email that was originally sent to your @intelretiree.com address will then make its way to the inbox of your personal email address. SENDERS should observe the CASE of your email address exactly as assigned for your email to be quickly and reliably forwarded
I have tried sending an email to myself at what I think might be my @intelretiree.com email address, but I didn’t receive it. What should I do?
For the most part, you cannot test whether your @intelretiree.com email address is working by sending from the address you are forwarding to. Most of the time, you need to use a different email address to test your @intelretiree.com email forwarder – a number of mail services (gmail for instance) can not route a mail sent to what is really itself. If you have another email address besides what the forwarder sends to (for example from your cell phone or internet provider might give you an email account), send from that other email account, or ask a family member or friend to send you an email at your @intelretiree.com email. If you do not see it, check your junk mail folder as well. SENDERS should observe the CASE of your email address exactly as assigned for your email to be quickly and reliably forwarded
If you are unable to confirm your @intelretiree.com email address, send an email to us at Intelretiree@gmail.com and we will tell you your @intelretiree.com email address.
What if this does not work for me?
Email us at intelretiree@gmail.com for additional help