If anyone in your household had a Marketplace plan in the previous year, you should get Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, by mail no later than mid-February. It may be available in your HealthCare.gov account. Form 1095-A is used to report certain information to the IRS about individuals who enroll in a qualified health plan through the Marketplace and must be filed with your taxes. Healthcare.gov instructions for Form 1095-A
If you had COBRA, SERMA or IRMP in the previous year, you would receive Form 1095-C
- Retirees who are Medicare eligible and do not have a SERMA balance will not receive a form.
- 1095 C, sent from Intel, should be received by mid -March. Electronic copies are available if you opted for electronic copies – log into your My Health Benefits website and check for the document there. Click on your name and then “Personal Documents”
- Please use this statement for information purposes when filing your taxes. The IRS will be provided with a copy of the information so there is no need to file this with your tax forms
If you have questions on this form or need to correct information such as address or social security number, contact the Intel Health Benefits Center at 1-877-466-9236