These Intel Foundation programs match financial donations made to eligible causes (public non-profits and educational organizations). Intel uses Benevity for program administration.
- Cause Donations: U.S. employees and retirees can donate year-round to thousands of eligible causes (public non-profits and educational organizations) & double the impact of their contributions
- Disaster Relief Campaigns: Provides timely relief from Natural Disasters (earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, etc.)
- Crisis Relief Campaigns: Provides timely humanitarian relief from a crisis (e.g., Afghanistan refugees, Ukraine, India Covid-19)
New users:
Contact Benevity Support to create an account and obtain required log-in info
Request a Match:
Use the Benevity Retiree Portal to donate or request a match for a previous qualified donation. Be aware of important dates and deadlines
- 10 Tips about the Donation Matching Program and the Benevity website
- Intel Foundation Matching Program Policy and FAQ
- Instructions on how to view your past donations and volunteer hours
- IRO Cause Promotion Guidelines