U[dated 4/11/11
At no time in history has the need for financial literacy and economic education been more important than it is now. We are constantly reminded of the everyday risks of poor financial management. These issues touch people of all walks of life leaving the financial uneducated the most vulnerable. Lisa Culver, a 2006 Intel retiree, shares her story with JA. For more information, Lisa can be contacted at lculver@jasac.org.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our youth could obtain a greater understanding of business fundamentals, credit, and entrepreneurship?
Junior Achievement (JA) can help make this a reality!
JA is a worldwide non-profit organization that has a long history of bringing financial literacy, entrepreneurial skills and work readiness programs to our youth. JA offers in-day and after-school programs which span grades K through 12. We enlist volunteers from businesses and the community to conduct programs for students.
At the elementary school grade level, a volunteer can choose to deliver a Done in the Day program, in which 5-6 lessons are conducted in one day; or the traditional delivery method, in which a volunteer
typically conducts one lesson per week-5 weeks for grades K-5; and 6 weeks for 6th grade. Each lesson ranges between 30-45 minutes, depending upon the grade level.
Volunteers for the Junior and High school grades will present programs that typically require 7-8 visits in the classroom; with each visit averaging 45-50 minutes. The volunteer and teacher determine the dates and times of the JA program visits. Each volunteer will receive a kit containing “easy to use” instructor guides and student materials needed to facilitate the sessions.
In addition, every new JA volunteer will receive a brief ~35-minute orientation by the JA Staff to prepare the volunteer prior to starting the JA program. Here is a sample of testimonials from volunteers and teachers:
Volunteer: Enjoyed seeing the children go from having no concept of the free enterprise system to having a generally good understanding. Appreciated seeing their enthusiasm for learning and participating.
Volunteer: Smiles on all the students’ faces by the end of the day are all worth it.
Teacher: Students make the connections of their lives outside the classroom and into the future.
Teacher: Excellent use of community involvement with the students. Intel has been a wonderful resource for JA volunteers and a financial supporter of JA. I personally became a JA volunteer when I worked at Intel Corp Folsom campus. While employed at Intel, I served as a volunteer for 6 years. After retiring from Intel in 2006 I joined JA of Sacramento as the Program Manager. JA would welcome your support as a volunteer!
For further information, and to locate a JA office near you, please go to www.ja.org. Get involved with JA and you will find the experience to be very rewarding!