NEW Members to IRO can join by filling out the webform on the right
- DO NOT sign up BEFORE your official retirement date. – you will be rejected during the Intel HR verification
- YOU MUST USE YOUR HOME EMAIL ADDRESS – not your old work email
- We need the email address where you will receive your IRO communications. (HR will use your WWID to look up and verify you are an official retiree)
- DO NOT put your address as The signup verification will go nowhere (because you have not been assigned an intelretiree address) and you will never hear from us
- If you are ALREADY an IRO member verified by HR and want to reactivate your email subscription with IRO, email the IRO mailbox at Do not reapply – this creates 10 times more work for our volunteers to sort out why you are a duplicate
Why join the Intel Retiree Organization?
- Get help navigating your Intel retiree benefits
- Get an @intelretiree email address forwarder to use with your volunteer activities
- Receive info about networking & social events
- Enables you to join the closed IRO Facebook Group
- Get help through IRO mailbox
- Help out other retirees by becoming an IRO volunteer
Retirement Verification is required for IRO Membership
- You must be an official Intel retiree
- You can not be verified as retired until you are no longer employed by Intel. Wait until after your last day of work at Intel to apply for IRO membership
- International and US official Intel retirees are accepted as members. Intel guidelines govern “official Intel retiree status” for the US and each international site
- Surviving spouse/significant other may retain membership in IRO
Retiree Verification Process
- It takes 3-5 weeks to verify retirement status with Intel then another week to add you into the IRO systems, Be patient! You can always check the website where all out content is posted.
- Once verified by Intel HR, you will receive an email to welcome you to IRO. The welcome Email will include your new @intelretiree email address
- Applicants that are not verified as official Intel retirees by Intel HR will not be granted IRO membership
Leaving IRO
- To stop getting communications from IRO, use the unsubscribe link shown at the bottom of our all of our IRO emails. This will end your membership in IRO.
- You will also become unsubscribed from IRO if your emails bounce back from your email provider – typically if your mailbox is full for an extended time, or you change email providers and no longer have an email account at the address you signed up to IRO with
To Update Your email Address – PLEASE DO NOT JUST SIGN UP AGAIN
To change your email address with IRO, send an email including both your old email address (to validate your identity) and your new email address to We will update your email address for IRO mailings, and your email forwarder
To protect your privacy
- The Intel Retiree Organization email list is NOT available to share
- Use the Intel Retiree Mailbox if you’d like to connect with another Intel retiree that you don’t find on Facebook