After nine long years, News Flash from Editor Terri Noll has decided it is time to pass the torch to someone else.
We thank her for her dedication and service. Boy, do we thank her. I estimate that she has issued more than 100 News Flashes and that doesn’t even account for the countless special announcements we’ve made over the years to keep IRO’s membership appraised of important developments.
Beyond working with the various IRO content committees to gather up the information and get it into shape for distribution to the masses, there were deadlines to be met every month. Terri met those without fail. Along the way she found time to redesign the “look and feel” of the newsletter adding photos and color to our publication. While adding beauty, the real goal was to make the publication easy on the eyes and organized so information could be found effortlessly. If you noticed the banner celebrating IRO’s 15 anniversary, that was Terri’s handiwork.
Of course it wasn’t just the newsletter where Terri contributed her talents. She recently worked closely with Debbie Watson (Communications Committee Chair) to improve the IRO website. Between the two of them countless hours were invested to redesign the site, improve its consistency and update its content.
Terri was also one of the Arizona Site Coordinators helping to keep are IRO members connected and engaged. She also helped all the other site coordinators send out their notifications to each site’s membership when a luncheon or activity was at hand. In addition, if special alerts of Intel’s campaign supporting relief for the latest global disaster was called for, Terri helped issue the email blast to all the IRO membership to keep them informed. In other words, Terri’s fingerprints have been in many places across IRO.
As you may realize now, Terri has made great contributions to IRO and its members. Her talents will be missed and I want IRO membership to take a moment to recognize how we have benefited from Terri’s dedication, creativity and commitment to our organization.
Thank you Terri.